Thank you for participating!

Thank you for being part of this transformational plan! Check back here for more engagement opportunities coming soon.

Want to get involved in the TMP as a City resident or part of a group or organization? Reach out!

A map of St. Louis

Engagement Calendar

Check out the calendar below to find the TMP team around the City. More events in 2025 coming soon!

  • July 11: Presenting to Paraquad’s S.M.A.R.T Coalition

    July 11: Pop-up at the Stephen A. Orthwein Center at Paraquad

    July 13: Tabling at Meramec Magic

    July 17: Pop-up at the St. Patrick Center Welcome Center

    July 17: Pop-up at Achilles St. Louis

    July 17: Presentation to Transform314

    July 20: Pop-up at Achilles St. Louis

    July 20: Tabling at the Urban Expo Back to School event

    July 23: Tabling at the Tuesday evening Tower Grove Farmers Market

    July 23: Presenting to the St. Louis Strong Towns chapter

    July 24: Tabling at the Northside Youth & Senior Center Block Party/Resource Fair at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church

  • August 4: Tabling at the Marquette Community Day - Back to School

    August 5: Pop-up at the Baden Library

    August 6: Pop-up at the Stephen A. Orthwein Center at Paraquad

    August 7: Pop-up at the Julia Davis Library

    August 9: Presentation to the 5 Star Senior Center Bingo participants

    August 10: Tabling at the Guardian Angel Parking Lot Party (Saturday)

    August 12: Pop-up at the Central Library

    August 14: Pop-up at Delmar DiVIne

    August 21: Presentation to Transform314 about Complete Streets

    August 22: Presentation to the City of St. Louis Universal Design Group

    August 24: Mill Creek Block Party tabling

  • Sept. 7: Northside Trap Run tabling

    Sept. 10: St. Louis Urbanists presentation

    Sept 14: Tabling at the Urban Eats Food Day

    Sept. 14: Tabling at the Forest Park Southeast Great Gathering at Chouteau Park

    Sept 21: Open House - Forest Park Visitor Center Trolley Room

    Sept. 24: Open House - Central Library Carnegie Room

    Sept. 26: Resource Fair/Ice Cream Social at PT Bosley Senior Apartments

  • Oct. 1: Northside Night Out with the Brickline Greenway

    Oct. 3: TMP Open House at the Neighborhood Innovation Center

    Oct. 7: SLUP Scoop #3 Release Party

    Oct. 10: TMP Open House at the Urban League Water Tower (Peter Bunce) Campus

    Oct. 15: Presentation to Forest Park Southeast Neighborhood Association

    Oct. 28: Community Advisory Committee Meeting #2

A child and parent look at an activity board

Previous Outreach & Engagement

Community Advisory Committee Kickoff, July 2024

The TMP Community Advisory Committee (CAC) kicked off on July 15, 2024. The first meeting provided members with an overview of the plan and engagement, and engaged members in an interactive values exercise and mapping activity.

City of St. Louis Goals Alignment Staff Workshop, April 2024

Around fifty City of St. Louis staff and leaders participated in a workshop about the TMP to discuss their hopes, goals, and values related to the future of transportation and mobility.

City of St. Louis Goals Alignment Partner Agengies Workshop, May 2024

Around thirty representatives of partner agencies like Great Rivers Greenway, MoDOT, and TrailNet participated in a workshop about the TMP to discuss their hopes, goals, and values related to the future of transportation and mobility.

Bike Tour with Mayor Jones, July 2024

The TMP team explored St. Louis by bike with Mayor Jones to discuss planned infrastructure improvements and how the TMP can create a vision of safe mobility for all.

Street Typologies Workshop and Bus Tour, July 2024

Partner agencies and City of St. Louis staff met to discuss street typologies: the design, form, and function of streets and sidewalks. This discussion was informed by the City of St. Louis Strategic Land Use Plan (SLUP). The team then took a tour of St. Louis in a MetroBus to see street typologies in action!

Community Outreach & Pop-Ups, July-Sept 2024

The TMP team has been busy visiting community centers like libraries and markets, gathering feedback from multimodal groups and persons with disabilities, and more!

TMP Open Houses

Thank you to everyone who came out to the TMP Open Houses in Sept. and Oct. 2024! Attendees participated in interactive activities and maps, learned about the components of a transportation and mobility plan, and filled out the community-wide survey.

Two people point to and write on a map on a table
Two people fill out an activity and in the background, several people view a map
Several people view visual display boards
A parent and child complete an activity with a staff person looking on

Talk with the TMP Team!

Want to help your group or organization learn more about the TMP and how they can get involved in the future of St. Louis’ streets and sidewalks? Contact us to schedule a presentation, tabling or other outreach opportunity, or workshop.