City of St. Louis

Transportation & Mobility Plan

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The City of St. Louis Transportation & Mobility Plan (TMP) will envision how people want to get around St. Louis, now and in the future.

  • About

    The goal of this citywide mobility plan is to learn about how St. Louisans want to get around our city, and bring together a cohesive vision and shared values for transportation and mobility. This plan will give city agencies better tools to plan, prioritize, and communicate about future infrastructure projects, so people will know about the changes coming to their city and neighborhood.

  • Why is this plan important?

    Today, St. Louis does not have a transportation plan that covers the entire city. This plan will be the first citywide mobility plan in St. Louis to be completed in decades. The plan will bring together major projects like the Brickline Greenway, Future64, MetroLink Green Line, and others, while additionally establishing new priorities for a safer, better-maintained transportation network across the city.

  • What is the goal of this plan?

    The goal is to develop an expanded, contemporary, and comprehensive mobility plan. It will create a unified vision for citywide mobility incorporating resident priorities, mobility safety projects, and create new tools to communicate projects to the public. The overall goal is that this plan is adopted by the Planning Commission into St. Louis’ comprehensive plan.

  • What is transportation and mobility?

    Mobility is the ability or capacity to move around. Every person uses different means of travel at different points of their day, and different times in their life. Transportation is the act of bringing people and things from place to place. We want your ideas for getting around the city in the future and to learn how you get around today!

Guiding Plan Principles

Get Involved

A group of people sit around a table in a meeting room; a person stands behind a projector.


Your input is vital to the success of this plan. We want to know how you get around St. Louis now, and how you want to get around in the future.

Keep an eye on our calendar for upcoming events and opportunities to tell us about your vision for mobility!